Chapter 282 – Recording

“Ningning, no matter what your identity was before, if you don’t want to say, or can’t say, you don’t have to. As long as you are here, that’s enough.”

“As long as I recognize you as my sister, that’s all that matters.”

In the end, Xu Fanghua said this.

She knew that Ningning, who could know so much about the future, couldn’t be an ordinary person.

But she, nor the other Xu family members, would not force Xu Jinning to reveal anything.

Whether they knew or not wasn’t important; as long as Xu Jinning was safe and with them, that was enough.

“Big sister, thank you.”

“There are some things I can’t tell you for now, but I also recognize you as my family.”

“That’s enough.”

The matter of her transmigration was too fantastical and significant, so Xu Jinning chose not to disclose it.

Moreover, even though this might be her past life, and even though she came here because the original owner wanted her to, she was still not the original owner.

How would her family react if they knew this? Could she still have a family?

Xu Jinning had to admit that she was a bit selfish.

She longed for family, and for the love and care that came with it.

Just then, Song Yi returned with the food.

After eating, Xu Jinning didn’t stay long. She needed some time to digest the new information she had learned.

However, after confirming with her big sister, Xu Jinning was certain that the people she had encountered, who had been defined as cannon fodder by the author, were able to change their fates and awaken because they had heard her inner thoughts and even seen the visions of her thoughts.

Therefore, after changing their destinies, they treated her so well.

Everything seemed to make sense now.

Upon realizing that only kind-hearted “cannon fodder” characters could hear her inner thoughts and change their fates, Xu Jinning no longer minded that her inner thoughts were being heard.

After all, she wanted to help them.

When she first learned about the predetermined tragic fates of these characters, she had been thinking about how to warn them to avoid their doomed futures.

Now that they could hear her inner thoughts, she didn’t need to worry as much.

For example, this time with Uncle Huang. He must have heard her inner thoughts, learned about the impending swine fever, and understood the tragic fate awaiting his family of three. This knowledge led him to abandon his original plan of raising pigs and switch to raising chickens and ducks instead.

This was good; she no longer had to worry about how to warn him.


This swine fever was a nationwide issue, affecting countless pig farmers.

She could warn Uncle Huang, but she couldn’t warn everyone.

Moreover, for the significant events she knew would happen in the future, if possible, she wanted to warn the country or the relevant authorities.


How could she warn them?

Eventually, Xu Jinning brought this question to Xie Ting’an.

First, she explained that specific “cannon fodder” characters could hear her inner thoughts and alter their fates.

Xu Jinning trusted Xie Ting’an.

After all, Xie Ting’an had confided in her about his secret ability to have prophetic dreams a long time ago.

They were also in a relationship, with nothing to hide from each other.

Moreover, Xu Jinning had already told him about transmigrating into the book before, so there was nothing she couldn’t tell him now.

This was not Xu Jinning being love-struck, but rather having absolute trust in Xie Ting’an. After all, Xie Ting’an had followed her from their past life to here.

Xie Ting’an was not surprised by Xu Jinning’s talk about people hearing her inner thoughts.

After all, if even transmigrating into a book could happen, then what couldn’t?

However, Xie Ting’an was a bit hesitant about Xu Jinning’s idea of warning the country and relevant people.

He reached out, silently held Xu Jinning’s hand, and firmly said, “Ningning, no matter what, your safety comes first.”

Xie Ting’an’s thought was that Xu Jinning could give the warning, but only under the condition that her safety was ensured.

“Then what can we do?” she asked.

Xie Ting’an pondered for a moment and said, “Ningning, how about this…”

“You get a notebook and write down all the major events that might happen in the future, everything you can remember.”

“Then I’ll find an opportunity to select a suitable person and give the notebook to them.”

In this way, neither he nor Xu Jinning would appear in person. In this era without surveillance, it was still possible for them to avoid detection.

“Alright, but how can we make that person believe it? And the most important thing is that the person must not only have status but also be patriotic! Only then will they take the notebook, verify its authenticity, and decide to submit it to the country,” Xu Jinning expressed her concern.

“Do you think my grandfather would be suitable?” After a moment of silence, Xie Ting’an asked.

“Grandpa Xie?”


“My grandfather can be trusted. He is definitely patriotic. I guarantee that once he verifies the authenticity of the events in the notebook, he will choose to submit it.”

“Why not just tell Grandpa Xie directly?” Xu Jinning asked.

Xie Ting’an shook his head. “Grandfather can be trusted, but we, especially you, should avoid appearing for now. I don’t want you to take any risks.”

“Alright, let’s do that then.”

“I’ll start writing everything down in chronological order tonight and include a significant event that can be verified in the next few days. That way, Grandpa Xie will believe it.”

“Good. By the way, don’t forget we need to visit Grandpa tomorrow,” Xie Ting’an reminded her before leaving.

“I know,” Xu Jinning responded playfully.

“I’ll head back now.”


That evening, the lights in Xu Jinning’s room in the small courtyard house were on.

Xu Jinning sat at her desk, a notebook spread open before her, and she was writing continuously.

Every so often, she would pause and mutter to herself.

Indeed, Xu Jinning was recording the significant events that would occur next. She wrote about specific events and their exact timings, focusing mainly on the major natural and man-made disasters that were to come.

If possible, Xu Jinning hoped that the man-made disasters and calamities could be avoided with the intervention of relevant authorities.

While natural disasters couldn’t be avoided, she also hoped that the losses to people and property could be minimized.

Xu Jinning took her recording very seriously, covering various aspects of events.

There were aspects concerning livelihoods, natural disasters, international affairs, medical matters, such as the prolonged pandemic that would occur in the future, and so on…

Of course, the most crucial aspect was time.

Especially regarding natural disasters and calamities, time was extremely important, with no room for error.

So Xu Jinning didn’t rush her writing; instead, she thought carefully and confirmed before putting pen to paper.

Fortunately, although this world was a fusion of several novels, the backgrounds and future developments of these novels were identical, with only a change in the female protagonist.

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