Chapter 294 – The Outcome

Now, Shi Xue was terrified, dreading the upcoming baseline exam.

She had to participate because the advisor had said that anyone who didn’t participate, regardless of the reason, would be placed on the suspect list. Additionally, she had to perform well; if her results were as poor as before, she would be put on the list no matter the excuse.

Especially with Zhou Yun’s arrival, she was undoubtedly the main focus of attention from both the students, the advisor, and the president.

But how could she score well?

If she could achieve good grades, she wouldn’t have needed to steal Zhou Yun’s admission letter in the first place; she would have gotten into Beijing University on her own merit.

Furthermore, after arriving at Beijing University, her focus had shifted entirely to finding a reliable, controllable, and well-off boyfriend to marry, leaving no time for studying.

The baseline exam was only three days away.

Three days of cramming wouldn’t help her at all.

Even three years wouldn’t guarantee success.

After analyzing the situation, Shi Xue concluded that she was probably doomed.

For a fleeting moment, she even considered running away now.

But she held back.

No, she couldn’t give up until the end.

What if, just what if, there was a chance to turn things around?

Moreover, running away would be tantamount to admitting guilt.

And where could she go if she fled?

She might end up being hunted like a criminal.

The only viable option seemed to be fleeing to Hong Kong.

But Hong Kong wasn’t easily accessible.

After considering countless options, Shi Xue rejected them all.

She slumped on her bed, her face full of despair, seemingly resigned to await the inevitable outcome.


Soon, the third day arrived, and so did the baseline exam.

Shi Xue walked into the classroom on trembling legs.

As she looked up, she saw Zhou Yun!

Zhou Yun was also taking the baseline exam?!

Zhou Yun saw Shi Xue as well, but after a brief glance, she ignored her.

In the crowded classroom, Shi Xue didn’t dare do anything to her.

Zhou Yun had requested to take this exam herself.

She wanted to use this exam to prove herself.

“Zhou Yun, why are you here?”

“Zhou Yun, please go back home. I’ll give you whatever you want, just please, I’m begging you.”

Shi Xue spoke to Zhou Yun in a very low voice as she approached her.

Yes, Shi Xue had no other options now; she could only beg Zhou Yun to let her go.

She thought that as long as Zhou Yun let her continue her studies, she could stay at Beijing University.

Zhou Yun listened to Shi Xue’s words and responded with a cold smile, “I want my admission letter. Can you give it back to me?”

Shi Xue was speechless.

“Zhou Yun, aren’t you afraid that your parents and your brother will scold you?” Shi Xue said through gritted teeth.

“Don’t use them to pressure me. They mean nothing to me. Threatening me with them is useless.” Zhou Yun’s family had sold her off to be a bride; how could she still hold any expectations for such selfish and self-serving family members?

She was just lucky to have met someone as good as Brother Yi. If it had been someone bad, she might have been doomed.

Did she feel pity for Shi Xue, who now seemed to be backed into a corner?

Yes, Shi Xue looked pitiful, but pitiful people often have something detestable about them!

And Zhou Yun would never give up what was rightfully hers for anyone else’s sake.

Shi Xue wanted to say something more, but by then, more and more people were looking at her.

Even the teacher on the podium looked at her and said, “Shi Xue, please return to your seat and do not disturb the other students.”

Shi Xue felt frustrated but had no choice and returned to her seat, though her eyes frequently wandered to Zhou Yun, who was sitting not far away.

Zhou Yun, on the other hand, remained very calm.

She was confident and determined to perform to the best of her ability.

Soon, the bell rang, and the exam papers were distributed…

Meanwhile, Xu Jinning was also taking the exam in the classroom.

Looking at the content of the exam, Xu Jinning found it easy.

However, for those who had not gained admission to the university on their own merits, it was a different story.

Xu Jinning knew this was President Jiang’s way of screening the students.

Those who had taken someone else’s place were destined to return what they had stolen and bear the consequences once the exam results were out.

As the baseline exam at Beijing University was in full swing, a document from the Ministry of Education was sent to the hands of university presidents nationwide.

The document instructed them to investigate whether there were any cases of students attending university by using someone else’s admission.

If such cases existed, they had to be dealt with seriously and corrected.

The aim was to ensure that those who were truly talented, hardworking, and diligent had their rightful places at the university restored.

Justice must be served!

Moreover, this had to be done quickly. The Ministry of Education would send people to each university to conduct checks. If such situations were found and the university leadership did not address them or tried to cover them up, those leaders would lose their positions.

University presidents and leaders across the country immediately recognized the importance of this matter upon reading the document.

Also, to safeguard their positions.

Therefore, they took it seriously immediately.

Thus, a nationwide student screening campaign to check for cases of impersonation was launched…


Meanwhile, at Beijing University, the results of the baseline exam were out by the second day.

The list of names flagged was not long, but it was not empty either.

And at the top of the list was Shi Xue.

Both Shi Xue’s and Zhou Yun’s exams were graded first and sent directly to the president’s desk.

Jiang Wenxu had just finished reviewing the investigation reports on Shi Xue and Zhou Yun when he saw their exam papers.

With just a glance, he knew the answer.

Shi Xue had indeed taken Zhou Yun’s place.

Zhou Yun was the student who had genuinely been admitted to Beijing University.

The investigation also revealed that Shi Xue’s original name was Shi Xue and not Zhou Yun, and that she had changed her surname to her mother’s, becoming Shi Xue.

Shi Xue was not a local from the village but an educated youth who married Zhou Yun’s brother, Zhou Feng.

She couldn’t get into university or even technical school, so when she saw Zhou Yun get accepted to Beijing University, she made her move.

She persuaded Zhou Yun’s parents and brother to sell Zhou Yun to a man with three children to be a stepmother.

Shi Xue’s actions were truly despicable!

If it weren’t for the anonymous letter, Zhou Yun’s persistence, and the Ministry of Education’s notice, Shi Xue might have gotten away with it, using someone else’s admission letter as her stepping stone to success.

For Zhou Yun, that admission letter was originally a chance to change her fate.

Had it been taken by Shi Xue and never exposed, Zhou Yun’s life, full of potential, would have been irrevocably altered.

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