Chapter 296 – Film Casting

The investigation into the fraudulent university admissions swept through colleges nationwide and continued for a month before gradually coming to an end.

The final results of the investigation shocked Shen Hui when he saw the data.

Fortunately, the issue had been uncovered; otherwise, how many students who had legitimately earned their places at university would have had their futures stolen?

Shen Hui also realized that not only should the incoming classes be thoroughly verified, but every future college entrance should require strict verification to ensure the person enrolling is the actual individual who took the exams. Otherwise, the admission would be invalid.

The higher authorities expressed high praise for Shen Hui’s actions in this investigation.

Shen Hui accepted the commendations outwardly, but inwardly he was relieved.

If it hadn’t been for Grandfather Xie’s reminder, he might not have noticed or taken the matter seriously. If the issue had accumulated and then exploded later, it would have been disastrous.

For him, it would have been catastrophic.

At that time, instead of praise, he would have faced criticism and possibly removal from his position.

Shen Hui had worked hard to reach his current position and wanted to continue advancing.

He definitely didn’t want to make mistakes at work that could lead to his dismissal.

Fortunately, he had averted the crisis.

Shen Hui shared this with his parents, and they, along with Shen Hui and gifts, visited Grandfather Xie’s home to express their heartfelt gratitude.

While Shi Xue was being sent back, Zhou Yun began her studies at Beijing University.

Zhou Yun cherished this regained opportunity to attend university immensely.

Thus, she studied diligently and with great effort.

Upon having the chance to choose her major again, Zhou Yun chose political science.

She planned to pursue a career in politics; she wanted to become an official!

This experience made her realize the importance of power.

Of course, she didn’t seek power for its own sake but understood that only by having power could she better serve the people.

This time, it was Cai Shumin, Xu Jinning, President Jiang, and others who stood by her. It was Brother Yi who gave her money to come to Beijing…

Many strangers, with whom she had no previous connections, extended their hands to help her.

When she was drenched by the rain, others held an umbrella for her. So, Zhou Yun decided that if she ever had the ability, she would become that umbrella for others caught in the rain, protecting ordinary people.

She would strive towards this goal.

Because of this incident and their similar temperaments, Zhou Yun became friends with Cai Shumin, Xu Jinning, Xu Fanghua, and others.

Zhou Yun cherished these friendships deeply.

In her spare time, Zhou Yun wrote a letter to Brother Yi, explaining the situation.

Not only Zhou Yun, but all the students who had their admission letters stolen and were replaced returned to school after the national investigation.

When they first learned that their chance to attend university had been stolen, they were in despair.

Some even silently endured it despite knowing the truth because of certain powers.

But now, the country stood up for them, and no one could obstruct them anymore.

It felt so good, so good.

They were immensely grateful to their country.

While studying hard, they silently vowed in their hearts: to study diligently, achieve something significant, and repay the country well.


The turmoil passed, and Beijing University returned to its usual calm.

Until news arrived.

“Hey, Ningning, did you hear? Our Beijing Red Star Film Studio is going to start shooting a movie soon. They say the female lead is a big star from Hong Kong,” Huang Minyue said excitedly to Wang Xiumei and Xu Jinning during lunch in the cafeteria.

“A big star from Hong Kong? She must be really beautiful then,” Wang Xiumei’s eyes lit up; she loved beautiful people the most.

“What’s the name of that big star?” Wang Xiumei asked.

“Uh… I forgot for the moment. I think her last name is Zhang, Zhang something. Ah, my memory isn’t great. I’ll definitely remember to tell you next time, but I heard she’s a real beauty.”

“A real beauty, huh? I wonder if we can see her since we’re in the same city. Do you think we could run into her if we go to Red Star Film Studio?”

Huang Minyue shook her head. “It’s probably very difficult, but…”

She drew out her words, “What I want to say is that the director of this movie plans to cast roles from several schools, including ours!”

“If someone gets chosen, they might not only meet that big star but also act alongside her.”

“Wow, really? Yueyue, do you think I stand a chance?”

“Uh…” Huang Minyue hesitated, looking at Wang Xiumei. “I’m not sure, but…”

She turned to look at Xu Jinning, who had been listening quietly. “But with Ningning’s looks, she would definitely be selected if she participated.”

With Huang Minyue’s words, Wang Xiumei quickly nodded in agreement.

Actually, she was just talking casually earlier, but she wholeheartedly agreed with Huang Minyue that Xu Jinning would be selected.

“I think Ningning would easily make it as a star.”

“Yeah, Ningning, are you going to give it a try?”

Xu Jinning didn’t hesitate much and shook her head. “No, I don’t have a talent for acting, and I want to focus on my studies.”

“Alright, we know you love studying the most, which explains why your grades are so good.”

Although Xu Jinning wasn’t interested in the film casting, it was obvious that the students at the school were very excited about it.

Whether it was in the modern times of the previous life or this era, movies and stars have always been distant, yet admired and envied by ordinary people.

Therefore, when such distant figures and events could be seen in reality, everyone was naturally very enthusiastic and excited.

On the third day, the film crew and director Huang Minyue had mentioned arrived at Beijing University to start casting for supporting roles.

They were looking for newcomers around the age of the students.

Although Xu Jinning had said she wouldn’t participate in the casting, Huang Minyue and Wang Xiumei still asked her if she wanted to go and watch.

With nothing else to do, Xu Jinning agreed.

Due to the casting, almost all the students at the university showed up, and even students from other schools came.

The entire scene was packed with people.

Xu Jinning and her friends couldn’t get close enough to see anything.

However, those who registered to participate had a special passage, but seeing the passage, it was clear that many people had signed up.

Originally, they had just come out to walk around and join the fun, so Xu Jinning didn’t mind not being able to see anything.

However, Huang Minyue and Wang Xiumei were a bit disappointed.

They genuinely wanted to see how the casting process worked, what the director looked like, and if any stars were present.

But they heard that the big star from Hong Kong hadn’t come.

They could only hear some indistinct sounds from the crowd but couldn’t see anything.

Eventually, they lost interest and left with Xu Jinning to explore other parts of the school.

Leaving the noisy and crowded place, Xu Jinning felt relieved.

She didn’t like overly lively and crowded places.

As Xu Jinning and her friends passed by the garden, they were unaware that director Wang Xuelai, who had gone to the restroom, happened to pass by and glanced in their direction.

Seeing Xu Jinning’s side profile as she walked by, he was puzzled and exclaimed, “Huh, is Zhang Linglan also at Beijing University today? How come I didn’t know about this!”

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