Chapter 263 – Capture

“Fifty yuan, that was a lot of money, it could have had a big purpose, it really should be searched for.”

“Did they lose it? Or was it stolen by a thief? Should we help look for it together?”

“What if this money was meant for someone who’s sick? The person who stole it really has no conscience.”


“It’s someone else’s money, not mine, why not let us get off the car? I’m in a hurry.”

At that time, most people were enthusiastic and willing to help. Many still wanted to lend a hand in the search.

So, even though there were a few voices of dissent, they were drowned out by the majority’s willingness to assist. They had to quiet down and wait for the money to be found, or for the car door to open a few minutes later.

No one knew that when the words “public security” were mentioned on the radio, Jia Quan’s body instantly tensed up, his gaze sharpened with a chill, and his brow furrowed deeply.

He looked down at the sack in his hands.

He knew what was inside.

So, he also feared the arrival of the police.


Nothing should go wrong.

Even if the police came, so what? It just happened that they were looking for the lost money, it had nothing to do with him.

He had confidence in his plan and method, confident enough to think he could deceive everyone.

Jia Quan had great faith in their way of earning money, enough to believe he could pull off anything.

Here, the broadcast calmed down the restless passengers.

When Xu Jinning and Xu Xiangdong heard the broadcast, their hearts also calmed down slightly.

Things should have a result soon.

And it was close to what they had in mind.

As soon as the train stopped, Xiao Qi immediately sent staff to get off and report to the police.

Soon enough, the staff returned with two police officers.

It turned out that although the possibility of transporting dr*gs with loaches had never been heard of before, since there were suspicions, that possibility had to be investigated and eliminated.

So, after receiving the report, the police immediately followed.

After a brief explanation from Xiao Qi: “Where is the person? Take us there now.”


So, Xiao Qi led the two police officers towards the compartment where the man who lost his money was, under the guise of searching for a passenger’s lost money on the train.

The reason for using a different excuse was to avoid arousing suspicion from the man.

They hoped to make him lower his guard.

And then catch him off guard.

Because they didn’t know if the man had any weapons like knives hidden on him, and whether he would take a hostage in an emergency, considering there were so many passengers on the train.

So, they had to be strategic.

Capture the man while ensuring the safety of the passengers.

And at this moment, the passengers still didn’t know the real purpose of the police’s arrival.

Seeing the police arrive, everyone felt that the story about the passenger losing fifty yuan as mentioned in the broadcast was indeed true.

“Officers, we didn’t take the money.”

“Yeah, it wasn’t me either.”

As the police passed by, everyone expressed that it wasn’t them.

The police naturally knew it wasn’t them because the whole thing was fake; they were just pretending to search while steadily moving towards the compartment where the man was.

Soon enough, Xiao Qi led the police to “search” next to Xu Jinning.

Xiao Qi gave Xu Jinning and Xu Xiangdong a look, indicating that everything was going according to plan.

As Xiao Qi led the police further back, Xu Jinning and Xu Xiangdong’s hearts also raced.

Because they knew that the most tense moment was about to arrive.

The train was quite noisy.

But at that moment, due to extreme tension, Xu Jinning felt like she could hear her own heartbeat, pounding rapidly.

Time passed by minute by minute.

It didn’t seem like much time had passed, but for Xu Jinning, it felt like an eternity.

“Don’t move!”

Suddenly, a stern voice came from the back compartment, followed by commotion.

“Let go of me, why are you arresting me?”

“My things, my things…”

It was the voice of the man.

Xu Xiangdong and Xu Jinning exchanged a glance, knowing for sure that the police had caught the man, and their hearts settled.

“What’s happening? Did they catch a thief?”

“I think so.”

“It’s actually that person.”

“I didn’t expect it to be him.”

People around were discussing animatedly, and many stood up to walk towards the source of the noise, curious about what was happening.

Many people like to join in on the excitement.

Like now.

So even Xu Jinning and Xu Xiangdong, who wanted to check the situation, couldn’t move and had to continue waiting in their seats.

But soon enough, they saw it.

Two police officers were leading the man forward, while Xiao Qi held the bag of dead loaches.

Behind them was the old man.

Seeing the man really being caught, Xu Jinning breathed a sigh of relief.

At this point, the doors of the train, which were originally closed, opened, and everyone could get off.

Meanwhile, Xu Jinning and Xu Xiangdong were informed by the staff that they needed to make a statement.

As for their not having reached their destination yet, Xiao Qi assured them that after completing the statement, they would be re-arranged to continue their journey, with their travel expenses reimbursed, and it wouldn’t delay Xu Jinning’s school time.

Making a statement was necessary.

And Xu Jinning also wanted to know if she was right or wrong based on the plot in the book.

If possible, she hoped they could catch this gang.

“Big Brother Xu, Sister Ningning, are you getting off the train? We haven’t reached the station yet,” Wang Chenggong noticed them getting off with their luggage and asked curiously.

“There are some things we need to attend to temporarily, but we’ll catch the next train later. Ningning still has to go to school,” Xu Xiangdong explained, knowing that Wang Chenggong was concerned about them.

“Oh, I see. Is there anything I can help with?”

Xu Xiangdong shook his head, bid farewell to Wang Chenggong and his sister, and said they would meet again when they arrived in Beijing.

Wang Chenggong watched Xu Jinning’s departing figure with reluctance.

But he comforted himself in his heart: It’s okay, when school starts, he’ll surely have more time to spend with Ningning.

They would see each other again.

On the other side, as soon as Xu Jinning and Xu Xiangdong got off the train, they saw Xiao Qi.

He led them towards the police station.

Soon, they arrived at the police station and saw an old man being questioned by the police, but they didn’t see the man.

Xiao Qi asked them to sit down and then left.

He returned shortly after, looking somewhat excited, and brought news with him.

“The police have just dissected some of the loaches and indeed found dr*gs inside.”

“Little girl, your deduction was correct.”

Xiao Qi gave Xu Jinning a definitive answer.

Xu Jinning’s heart was filled with certainty.

She had guessed right.

“The police are still dissecting the other loaches, and they’re also interrogating that man.”

He paused before adding, “Also, we found out that the man had a weapon on him, but thankfully, he didn’t use it during the incident.”

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