Chapter 274 – Confirming the Relationship

Regardless of whether it was the eighteen years of her previous life or the two years after her transmigration, she had never been in a romantic relationship nor liked anyone else.

And now, Xie Ting’an had actually kissed her?!

This was also the first time Xie Ting’an had been so close to her, close enough to… kiss!

Xu Jinning noticed that when Xie Ting’an approached, she smelled a very pleasant scent.

She couldn’t pinpoint what the scent was, but it was just pleasant.

“Did you, did you put on some perfume?” Xu Jinning asked in a daze.

“Huh?” Xie Ting’an, after kissing her, realized his actions might have been a bit abrupt and was worried Xu Jinning would be angry, but to his surprise, Xu Jinning asked if he had put on perfume.

“No, I never put anything on.”

‘Then how could I smell such a pleasant scent!’

It wasn’t overpowering, but it was noticeable, and she definitely wasn’t mistaken.

This scent really came from Xie Ting’an, and it was so pleasant that she couldn’t help but want to get closer and take another whiff.

But Xu Jinning restrained herself from acting on this thought, as it would seem too much like a p*rvert.

At this moment, Xu Jinning suddenly remembered a saying she saw in a video in her previous life, which mentioned that people who love each other can smell a special scent from each other.

This special scent wasn’t like perfume, but rather more like a body fragrance.

It had another name, called pheromones.

“Brother Ting’an, did you smell any fragrance on me?”

Xie Ting’an looked at Xu Jinning, a bit embarrassed, and touched his nose, saying, “Ningning, you’ve always smelled nice.”

With Xie Ting’an’s words, Xu Jinning was dumbfounded.

It was confirmed; it was pheromones.

So, did Xie Ting’an like her, and had she also liked Xie Ting’an for a long time without realizing it?

“Ningning, when I kissed you just now, did you mind?” Xie Ting’an was a bit anxious and worried because Xu Jinning had not reacted to the kiss at all.

Xu Jinning wouldn’t just ignore the kiss, pretending it didn’t happen, right?

Xie Ting’an’s words brought Xu Jinning back to her senses, and she replied seriously, “I didn’t mind.”

“Brother Ting’an, I like you too.”

Her words exploded in Xie Ting’an’s ears, leaving his mind blank for a moment.

Ningning likes me too?

Did she just confess to me?

By the time Xie Ting’an regained his composure, a smile had already spread across his face.

If anyone who knew Xie Ting’an or his roommates saw this scene, they would be utterly shocked.

Was this the same aloof, indifferent Xie Ting’an they knew?

He seemed more like a foolish son of a rich landlord.

But Xu Jinning wasn’t done with her bombardment.

“I like you, so I don’t mind your kiss. In fact, I liked it.”

Perhaps because her soul came from the modern era, Xu Jinning’s personality was not influenced by the conservative atmosphere of the 1980s.

Her personality was straightforward; she didn’t like to hide her feelings.

Clear about her likes and dislikes, she expressed her feelings openly.

So, as she said this, she leaned in and planted a kiss directly on Xie Ting’an’s lips.

‘See, I kissed you. I really don’t mind your kiss. I like you too.’

This was the message Xu Jinning wanted to convey.

And Xie Ting’an understood Xu Jinning’s feelings.

Xie Ting’an felt that today might be the happiest day since his transmigration.

The feeling of having his feelings reciprocated was so wonderful that he wished time could freeze at this moment.

Xie Ting’an’s eyes gradually reddened, as if a treasure he had guarded for so long finally belonged to him.

He reached out and gently embraced Xu Jinning, holding her like his most cherished treasure, feeling a profound sense of peace and satisfaction.

“Ningning, does this mean we’re together now?”

“Of course.” Xu Jinning thought Xie Ting’an was being a bit silly. Otherwise, why would he ask this question after they had kissed each other?

She wasn’t someone who would let just anyone kiss her, nor would she kiss just anyone casually.

This was her first kiss in both her past and present lives.

Xie Ting’an’s eyes were full of joy.

He remembered his dream from the previous night.

“Ningning, weren’t we just talking about the dream I had last night?”

“Yeah, so what did you dream about last night?”

“I dreamt that we got married, grew old together, and were surrounded by children and grandchildren.”

“Growing old together, surrounded by children and grandchildren…” Xu Jinning murmured, then looked up at Xie Ting’an with bright eyes, “Xie Ting’an, I love those words. I hope we can really have that in the future.”

“Of course we can.” Xie Ting’an patted Xu Jinning’s hair, his eyes full of affection. “You forgot, my dreams are prophetic. So, this is our future.”

“We will be happy together.”

Xu Jinning smiled, her eyes glistening with tears. She slowly extended her right hand and said, “Then, Mr. Xie Ting’an, for this happy and beautiful future, please take care of me for the rest of our lives.”

“Yes, let’s take care of each other.”

Xie Ting’an also extended his hand and clasped Xu Jinning’s.

At that moment, Xie Ting’an felt that he was not only holding Xu Jinning’s hand but also grasping their future together.

Their future, which they would create themselves, was bound to be happy and fulfilling.


Meanwhile, Xu Xiangdong, who was on a train, was unaware that the younger sister he had warned just before boarding to not to be deceived by a man’s sweet talk…

And now, while he was still on the train and hadn’t even reached home, his sister had already confirmed her relationship with the very man he had warned her about and even kissed him!

If Xu Xiangdong knew about this, his heart would probably break.


On Xu Jinning’s side, after confirming her relationship with Xie Ting’an, the two began to share more about themselves.

Xu Jinning confirmed from Xie Ting’an that her dream from the previous night was indeed true.

In her past life, after her death, Xie Ting’an had gone mad with grief.

In the end, whether due to poor health or overwhelming longing for Xu Jinning, Xie Ting’an eventually died.

When he opened his eyes again, he had become the Xie Ting’an of this world, living with his only surviving grandfather in a cowshed.

The original owner of this body had died, and Xie Ting’an was guided into this body by the original owner’s spirit.

Before departing, the original owner had one unfulfilled wish: to have Xie Ting’an take good care of his grandfather and let him enjoy his old age.

Through Xie Ting’an’s story, Xu Jinning learned that Xie Ting’an’s current body originally belonged to a child from a prominent family. Grandfather Xie’s status had been very high, although he had retired by now.

Moreover, the Xie family had always resided in Beijing.

While today’s Xie family, consisting of only Xie Ting’an and his grandfather, wasn’t as united or large as the Xie family from the past life, their current status was even higher than that of the Xie family in the previous life.

Especially Grandfather Xie, who had once held a very powerful position.

Even though he had retired, Xie Ting’an’s identity remained highly esteemed.

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