Chapter 280 – Others Could Hear Her Inner Thoughts?

“Aling, I know you don’t believe it, but…”

Before Huang Yuxian could finish his sentence, his hand was suddenly grasped by his wife.

Bai Ling looked at him resolutely and said, “Old Huang, let’s stop raising pigs, and I won’t take Yueyue out of town. This year, we’ll stay at home, stay in Beijing, and not go anywhere!”

“Aling, you believe me?”

Bai Ling slowly sat down. “Old Huang, I know you wouldn’t lie to me. I know your physical and mental health are fine.”

“So, what you said must be true.”

“Then, why can you hear and see it?”

“I think it’s just like the voice you heard said. What you see and hear might be the predestined fate of our family of three.”

“But Yueyue met that girl named Xu Jinning and brought her to our home. So, you heard and saw…”

“Old Huang, that girl is our lucky star. It’s because Yueyue met her and became good friends with her that you could see.”

“This is a chance given to us by heaven, a chance to survive. How can we ignore it?”

Bai Ling felt unprecedentedly clear-headed and kept analyzing. The more she analyzed, the more she felt it was true.

“Old Huang, we must believe. We can’t gamble with our lives.”

“Moreover, whether it’s true or not, we’ll know next month. Isn’t it said that a nationwide swine fever outbreak will happen next month? So, we’ll see next month if it breaks out, and everything will be clear.”

“Yes, Aling, you’re right,” Huang Yuxian also felt his wife’s words made sense.

“And besides, if we can’t raise pigs, we can raise chickens and ducks, Old Huang. Don’t limit our future so rigidly.”

“Yeah, with the swine fever, we can’t raise pigs, but we can raise chickens and ducks.”

The meat processing plant mainly focused on raising pigs, but it also had operations for raising chickens and ducks.

“Aling, you’re right. Let’s do that.”

In the end, the couple decided this was the most prudent course of action.

“Old Huang, no matter what, we must make sure Yueyue gets along well with this girl named Xu Jinning. If the swine fever does break out next month, then this girl will be our family’s savior, and we must definitely thank her.”

“Aling, I understand what you mean.”

All they could do now was wait and see.

The next day…

“Jinning, what do you think my parents are up to? They were all set to raise piglets. They had the money ready and just needed to buy them. Now, they’re suddenly saying they’re afraid of swine fever and are switching to raising chickens and ducks.”

“Why do adults change their minds so suddenly? It’s so weird.”

During recess, Huang Minyue was venting to Xu Jinning.

In fact, Huang Minyue was just casually complaining. She didn’t really understand the situation but brought it up because Xu Jinning had visited her house the previous day, and it made for an easy topic of conversation.

While Huang Minyue was speaking casually, Xu Jinning was taken aback.

“Are you saying your parents are afraid of a swine fever outbreak?”

“Yeah, but I haven’t heard anything about swine fever recently. Maybe it’s something that’s going to happen later. But how would they know? Do they have some kind of foresight?” Huang Minyue laughed.

However, Xu Jinning was experiencing a storm of emotions inside.

There actually would be a swine fever outbreak next month.

But how could Uncle Huang and his family know?

She was still pondering how she could give a warning without speaking out loud.

Unexpectedly, after just one night, Uncle Huang and his family anticipated the swine fever outbreak and decided against raising pigs.

This was truly bizarre.

Moreover, from Huang Minyue’s words, her parents were certain that there would be a swine fever outbreak.

But how did they know?

Do they have precognitive abilities, or do they know the storyline?

Xu Jinning found it hard to believe.

If they really had such abilities, then in the original storyline, their family wouldn’t have ended up broken and destitute.

So, where did they get the information about the swine fever in advance?

This swine fever was supposed to break out suddenly next month and spread rapidly, so there were no signs of it yet.

Comparing this with the original storyline, did some variable appear that informed them of this and prompted their change?

Clearly, Uncle Huang wanted to raise pigs yesterday, and now he knows about the future swine fever and decides against it?

The only difference between yesterday and today is…

Xu Jinning suddenly realized.

Yesterday, she and Wang Xiumei visited Huang Minyue’s home.

She knew about the swine fever coming next month and hoped Uncle Huang wouldn’t raise pigs.

But she couldn’t speak out and only voiced it in her mind. How could Uncle Huang possibly…

The next second, Xu Jinning’s eyes widened.

Yes, she only spoke in her mind.

But what if…

Uncle Huang could hear her thoughts?

If he could hear her thoughts, then Uncle Huang would know about the future swine fever outbreak and their family’s tragic fate.

If he knew, he would certainly make changes.

Xu Jinning thought this was the most reasonable guess so far.


Her inner thoughts could be heard by others? Was she being mind-read?

As the school bell rang, signaling the start of class, Xu Jinning couldn’t focus on the lesson.

She closed her eyes and carefully recalled the events and differences in the storyline since she had transmigrated.

Then she considered the possibility that others could read her thoughts.

The more she thought about it, the more alarmed she became.

She knew her own inner thoughts.

If people around her could read her inner thoughts, then…

Because they could read her inner thoughts, her big brother didn’t continue his entanglement with Educated Youth Sun and instead got together with his wife.

Her father wasn’t framed and successfully became the workshop supervisor in the factory.

Her second brother avoided the fate of being caught and executed.

Her big sister, Xu Fanghua, exposed Wei Rou’s lies, saw through her pretense, and eventually ended up with her brother-in-law, Song Yi.

Dad Changzheng also knew about the children his wife was carrying and avoided the original deadly fight with human tr*ffickers.

There were many more instances…

At first, Xu Jinning didn’t think much about it.

But now, upon reflection, all these people were originally just minor characters.

She had thought that it was because they had “awakened” and changed their destinies.

But how did they awaken?

What if their awakening and the subsequent changes in their fates were triggered by hearing her inner thoughts?

Xu Jinning’s heart tightened suddenly.

But, could it be true?

Actually, this was the most reasonable explanation.

Moreover, she could find out after school by asking her big sister.

If it was indeed because they heard her inner thoughts that their fates changed, then…

Xu Jinning naturally hoped that the minor characters could awaken, take control of their destinies, and avoid becoming stepping stones for the protagonist.

But, the thought of her inner thoughts being heard…

Xu Jinning felt deeply embarrassed! Could everyone hear whatever she thought?

Xu Jinning couldn’t help but look around.

She was thinking to herself right now—could the people around her hear her thoughts?

She couldn’t help but observe her surroundings.

Eventually, she realized they couldn’t!

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