Chapter 293 – Investigation

At the Beijing University president’s office.

President Jiang Wenxu had just hung up the phone and immediately wiped the sweat from his forehead.

His gaze fell on the letter on the table beside him.

He had just taken it out of the mailbox today and had just finished reading it. Shocked that such a thing as impersonating a student had occurred in his university, he was still thinking about how to handle it.

Then the phone rang.

It was a call from the leadership of the Education Bureau.

They directly mentioned that Zhou Yun’s admission letter had been stolen by a girl named Shi Xue, who then attended the university in her place.

He was told to investigate this matter as quickly as possible.

If the matter proved to be true, it had to be dealt with seriously.

Additionally, a thorough investigation within the university was needed to see if similar cases existed, and if any were found, they had to be corrected.

Jiang Wenxu could never have imagined that he had just learned about this, and it had already reached the Education Bureau’s leadership.

Judging by the leader’s tone and attitude, they intended to handle this matter strictly.

Jiang Wenxu did not know how the Education Bureau became aware of this issue, but if it was true, he needed to express his stance and investigate it quickly.

He understood how difficult it was to study and get into university.

He also knew how important attending university was, especially for rural children.

It was a chance to change their destiny.

If someone had indeed been impersonated, it would be a lifetime of unforgivable and unforgettable pain.

Therefore, it had to be investigated thoroughly and quickly.

Moreover, from the leader’s words, it seemed likely that this issue of impersonating students would be investigated nationwide.

Then he had to deal with it as quickly as possible, or he would be made an example of.

Such a situation would bring great shame to Beijing University.

Of course, shame was one thing.

The most important thing was not to dishearten those students who had diligently studied and truly put in the effort.

Just then, there was a sudden knock on the office door.

After he said “come in,” several people entered.

Leading the group were two girls.

“President Jiang, I want to report Shi Xue from the Political Science Department. She stole someone else’s admission letter,” said Cai Shumin.

After speaking, she gave Zhou Yun a reassuring look.

Zhou Yun, who had been anxious and nervous, calmed down at this moment.

She looked at Jiang Wenxu with a determined gaze and said, “President Jiang, hello…”

She bowed, “I am Zhou Yun. Shi Xue…”

Then Zhou Yun explained her situation.

“…So, Shi Xue took my admission letter and attended Beijing University in my place. I came here hoping that the president would investigate this matter and give me back my chance to attend university…”

Zhou Yun’s eyes turned red, but she held back her tears.

She had to be strong, she had to hold on, she had to fight for her future and her admission letter!

Jiang Wenxu looked at Zhou Yun, then at Xu Jinning, Xu Fanghua, and Song Yi, who had come with her.

After a moment of silence, he said, “Comrade Zhou Yun, right? Don’t worry, if things are indeed as you say, then as the president of Beijing University, I will handle it seriously.”

“If it is confirmed that you are the one who was truly admitted to the university, then…”

“What rightfully belongs to you will be returned to you.”

Jiang Wenxu’s promise brought joy to Zhou Yun’s heart, and her eyes reddened again.

“President Jiang, thank you, thank you.”

Since Jiang Wenxu had spoken, he immediately took action.

He first arranged for Zhou Yun to stay in a dormitory at the university, then instructed staff to investigate the records of both Zhou Yun and Shi Xue.

However, in an era without advanced transportation and the internet, it would take some time to gather their information.

During this period, Jiang Wenxu also launched an investigation across the entire university.

He instructed the teachers to conduct a baseline exam to detect if there were any other students who had impersonated others to gain admission.

After all, Beijing University was the highest institution of learning, and those who could get admitted here had solid knowledge in all areas. Even if they performed poorly, they would still achieve decent results in such a baseline exam.

But for those who had impersonated others to attend, it would be a different story.

Those who resorted to impersonation certainly could not have passed the entrance exams on their own.

Since they couldn’t pass the entrance exams, their knowledge and abilities would naturally be lacking.

For genuine Beijing University students, this exam would be easy, but for impostors, it would be extremely difficult.

Anyone who performed poorly or particularly badly in this exam would be a suspect.

With a list of suspects, individual investigations could then be conducted.

Additionally, Jiang Wenxu planned to have students send mails to his mailbox.

If any student had suspicions and provided sufficient and reasonable grounds, they could report it to him.

He would then have the matter investigated.

If the investigation proved the report to be true, the student who submitted the mail would receive a reward.

These two announcements instantly caused a stir at Beijing University.

People started discussing it fervently.

“Could there really be someone who impersonated another to get into the university? If there is, that person is truly despicable.”

“Since the president has issued these notices and is conducting a baseline exam, he must have suspicions. I think there’s definitely someone, maybe even among us.”

“Do you think there’s anyone suspicious around you? The president did say that if you report someone and it’s verified, there will be a reward.”

“I think Sun Chuan from our class is pretty suspicious. Every time there’s an exam, he either has a fever or gets injured and can’t participate. I think he’s quite suspicious.”

“I think Li Hongxing is suspicious too. We’re English majors, but last time I said something very basic in English to him, and he looked completely baffled.”


Everyone started suspecting and guessing.

Those who had gotten into the university on their own merit naturally had nothing to worry about with the baseline exam.

But those with guilty consciences were immediately fearful and anxious upon hearing the two announcements, desperately thinking of ways to avoid detection.

However, they soon realized that there was no way out except being discovered.

This was Beijing University, in the capital, unlike their small hometowns where a bit of power or conspiracy could cover everything.

Meanwhile, Shi Xue, one of the people who sparked this storm, felt a sinking feeling when she heard the announcements.

She even felt that everyone around her—in the dormitory, in the classroom—was watching and discussing her.

Because of her scuffle with Zhou Yun at the school gate, the story had spread throughout the university in the past two days.

Although the president had not yet announced anything, she heard that Zhou Yun had been allowed to stay at the university.

In the past two days, she had tried to find Zhou Yun, attempting to make her leave or admit that she was just acting crazy at the school gate. But Zhou Yun refused to see her.

Moreover, Shi Xue knew that she had performed terribly in all her exams since enrolling. At the time, she had managed to get away with it by pretending to be unwell.

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