Chapter 292 – The Upcoming Judgment!

“What, take away the admission letter? Does it mean what I think it means?”

“It’s possible. Thinking back, the situation just now seemed a bit off. That girl was covering her mouth the entire time. Was she afraid of saying something?”

“If this is true, it’s ridiculous.”


The people around Shi Xue and Zhou Yun whispered and discussed among themselves. After coming to their senses, they also felt that Shi Xue’s actions were a bit strange. At this moment, their gazes toward Shi Xue were filled with suspicion.

A trace of panic flashed in Shi Xue’s eyes. She was indeed afraid that Zhou Yun would speak out in public, so she covered her mouth, hoping to take her away quickly. She wanted to find a way to keep her silent forever.

She was so close to succeeding, but a few unexpected individuals intervened.

Shi Xue looked at Cai Shumin and the others with jealousy and hatred.

You all are so capable, getting into Beijing University on your own merits, but I only have this one way of taking Zhou Yun’s admission letter. I was so close to succeeding, why did you have to come and ruin it? Do you despise me that much?

While cursing in her heart, Shi Xue still tried to calm herself down.

“Don’t talk nonsense. I never did such a thing. I got into this university on my own merits.”

As she spoke, Shi Xue’s eyes reddened, and tears began to fall.

“Ayun, I know your health isn’t good and your mind isn’t very clear. I also know that since childhood, you’ve envied and been jealous of my life, but how can you say such reckless things about something as important as the admission letter?”

“Ayun, you’re really breaking my heart.”

With that, Shi Xue began to cry bitterly.

As soon as the boy saw Shi Xue crying, he immediately started to comfort her, his eyes full of pity.

He glared at Zhou Yun angrily, “Shi Xue knows you have a mental illness and kindly wanted to take you back. She’s being kind, but that’s no reason for you to slander her. You’ve made her cry.”

“Today, you must admit your mistake and apologize to Shi Xue.”

Zhou Yun, seeing the boy’s angry defense of Shi Xue, suddenly felt that he resembled his brother, Zhou Feng.

Shi Xue was indeed impressive; wherever she went, she could always make these men willing to do anything for her, even run headlong into a wall for her.


These people didn’t yet realize they were being played by Shi Xue.

Zhou Yun’s character was never one to be meek and compromising, but rather resilient and courageous in pursuing what she wanted.

So, faced with the boy’s anger, she directly retorted.

“Shi Xue? This guy, you must like Shi Xue, right?”

The boy had a crush on Shi Xue, trying to please her, but hadn’t confessed yet. Now, being exposed by Zhou Yun, he felt a bit embarrassed but still stubbornly admitted, “Yes, I like Shi Xue. She’s so kind, so wonderful, so talented. Of course, I like her!”

The boy spoke with conviction.

Zhou Yun, however, sneered, “Do you know what I should call this kind, wonderful, talented Shi Xue you speak of?”

Shi Xue, pretending to cry, felt a jolt of panic upon hearing Zhou Yun’s words, sensing something bad.

She looked up, about to say something to stop Zhou Yun.

But Zhou Yun had already spoken.


“I should call her sister-in-law!”

“She is my brother Zhou Feng’s wife! They are legally married!”

With Zhou Yun’s words, the surrounding crowd erupted in chatter once more.

The boy stood there in shock, completely stunned.

“Shi Xue married? No, that’s impossible! How could it be?”

“You, you’re lying. Shi Xue is single. She told me she wasn’t married. Isn’t that right, Shi Xue?”

He looked down at Shi Xue, urgently seeking confirmation.

Shi Xue, of course, nodded to play along.

“See, you’re talking nonsense again.”

“If you’re unsure, why don’t you go check? It’s easy to verify,” Zhou Yun said, no longer arguing. She knew it was impossible to wake someone who pretended to be asleep.

Ignoring them, Zhou Yun remembered her purpose for coming to Beijing University.

She turned to Cai Shumin, who had just helped her, and asked, “I need to see the president. Could you take me there?”

Cai Shumin’s eyes lit up. “Of course, let’s go now.”

“You can’t go!” Shi Xue was most worried about Zhou Yun going to see the president. If the president investigated, all her lies would be exposed.

So, hearing Zhou Yun’s request, Shi Xue anxiously tried to stop her.

As soon as she spoke, seeing the growing number of suspicious glances directed at her, she regretted her outburst. She shouldn’t have said that.

“Shi Xue, it’s fine. Let them see the president. Why don’t we go too, so the president can clear your name?” The boy beside Shi Xue was truly infatuated with her.

Even after hearing Shi Xue’s anxious “you can’t go,” he believed she said it out of concern for Zhou Yun, not wanting to add to the chaos.

He thought Shi Xue was genuinely too kind-hearted.

Such a kind person couldn’t possibly be falsely accused.

He felt a surge of righteousness; he had to clear Shi Xue’s name!

He didn’t know that Shi Xue was silently cursing him in her mind.

What bad luck to be stuck with him today.

In the end, Shi Xue, of course, didn’t go with Zhou Yun to see the president. Instead, she used the excuse of feeling unwell and left, after making a show of it.

“Shi Xue, wait for me.”

The boy called out, quickly running after her, thinking that Shi Xue was too kind. She used the excuse of feeling unwell to avoid exposing these people’s lies in front of the president.

He hoped that someday people would understand Shi Xue’s kind intentions.

Meanwhile, Zhou Yun followed Cai Shumin and others into the school, planning to see the president.

What they didn’t know was that the scene at the school gate had already spread quickly across the campus.

The speed of the news was astonishing.

After all, taking someone’s admission letter was a big deal. Everyone was speculating who the real Zhou Yun was and who was the rightful student accepted into Beijing University.

Every student aware of the situation was watching closely.

They wanted to know what would happen if Shi Xue had indeed taken Zhou Yun’s admission letter and was attending school in her place. How would the president handle it?

After all…

If this was overlooked, it would be condoning such actions, rendering years of hard work and effort meaningless.

Some people, upon hearing about this, started to panic, recalling their own actions.

They too were waiting.

Not just for the president’s decision.

But for their upcoming judgment!

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