Chapter 298 – Have you seen someone who looks like me?

“Yes,” Zhang Linglan replied.

Wang Xuelai nodded, “It’s possible.”

Wang Xuelai had heard from the factory director about Zhang Linglan coming to the mainland to find her family, but not in detail.

Zhang Linglan hadn’t brought it up on her own either.

Recently, Zhang Linglan had been in a bad mood because there was no news about her search for her family. Wang Xuelai thought this might be the reason.

But now, Zhang Linglan’s state was completely different.

It was the first time Wang Xuelai had seen Zhang Linglan so excited.

When he first met Zhang Linglan, Wang Xuelai felt that Zhang Linglan, just like her name, had an aura like an orchid in a secluded valley—quiet, ethereal, with a touch of melancholy.

She gave off a very calm and serene feeling, yet carried a hint of sadness.

After getting to know her better, he found that she was actually very easy to talk to.

She had a good personality and temper, but after spending some time with her, one would notice that she was a person with rather indifferent emotions.

She didn’t seem to care much about anything around her.

She preferred to immerse herself in her own world.

Her so-called good temper and personality were actually due to her lack of strong emotions.

In fact, it was people like her who were the hardest to get close to.

And now, it was the first time Wang Xuelai had seen such a lively and emotionally expressive Zhang Linglan.

It was clear how important the family she was searching for was to her.

“Director Wang, I want to go to Beijing University with you tomorrow.”

“Of course,” Wang Xuelai quickly agreed, “but…”

“Teacher Linglan, I just caught a glimpse today, I’m not very sure, what if…”

He was worried that if they found the person and it wasn’t Zhang Linglan’s family, she would be very disappointed.

“Director Wang, no matter the result, I will be mentally prepared, and…”

“I’ve searched for so long without finding anything, so this time doesn’t matter as much, but…”

Zhang Linglan looked at Wang Xuelai with a determined gaze, “But I can’t miss any opportunity.”

Wang Xuelai nodded, “Yes, Teacher Linglan, you’re right.”

“However, with so many people at Beijing University, how are we going to find that person?” He had only caught a glimpse in the crowd and could only be certain that the person was wearing a Beijing University uniform, likely a student there.

“This is where I need your help, Director Wang…”

“Me?” Wang Xuelai pointed at himself, puzzled.

Zhang Linglan planned to have Wang Xuelai take her to meet the president of Beijing University and explain the situation.

She wanted the president to allow them to visit each classroom during class to look for the person.

“I believe that if the person you saw really looks almost identical to me and happens to be my family, I will definitely recognize them.”

Not knowing the person’s name, class, or major, Zhang Linglan could only think of this cumbersome method.

“This method is feasible, but there are many students at Beijing University. It will take a lot of time to check each classroom,” Wang Xuelai said.

Zhang Linglan smiled, “Director Wang, as long as we can find them, no amount of time is too much.”

Director Wang was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter.

“Teacher Linglan, you’re right.”

Just like many people pursuing their dreams, as long as one is on the right path, it doesn’t matter if it takes more time; knowing what you want is what’s important.

That night, Zhang Linglan lay in bed, tossing and turning for a long time before finally falling asleep.

Meanwhile, Xu Jinning and Xu Fanghua had no idea what kind of surprise awaited them the next day.

The following day at Beijing University was bustling due to the film casting, but this activity was mostly confined to breaks and rest periods. During class times, except for those signing up for the casting, other students were in their classrooms.

In President Jiang Wenxu’s office, two visitors arrived.

One of them he recognized—Wang Xuelai, the director of the movie “Abd*ction,” who had come to Beijing University for casting over the past few days.

As for the other…

It was a woman? Wearing a mask, Jiang Wenxu couldn’t see her facial features, but from her exposed eyes and eyebrows, he could tell she was exceptionally beautiful.

Her eyes and eyebrows seemed somewhat familiar, as if he had seen her somewhere before. However, it wasn’t polite to stare, so Jiang Wenxu glanced at her briefly and then looked away.

“Director Wang, what brings you here? Is there any new progress in the casting?” Jiang Wenxu asked with a smile.

Wang Xuelai shook his head and introduced, “President Jiang, this is Miss Zhang Linglan, a major star from Hong Kong and the leading actress in our film.”

Zhang Linglan cooperatively removed her mask and nodded to Jiang Wenxu, “Hello, President Jiang, I am Zhang Linglan.”

As she spoke, Zhang Linglan extended her hand.

She waited for Jiang Wenxu to shake her hand, but to her surprise, Jiang Wenxu stared at her, momentarily dazed.

Zhang Linglan felt a bit awkward. She knew she had a beautiful face, which was why she habitually wore a mask when going out.


Initially, Zhang Linglan thought President Jiang, like many others, was stunned by her beauty. But now, looking at his expression, it seemed that wasn’t the case.

“It looks so similar…” President Jiang muttered.

Zhang Linglan’s eyes sharpened as she suddenly looked up at him.

At that moment, Jiang Wenxu seemed to snap back to reality. He quickly shook Zhang Linglan’s hand, apologizing, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Miss Zhang, you look very familiar, and I was momentarily taken aback.”

When Zhang Linglan removed her mask, Jiang Wenxu was indeed stunned by her beauty. He could only describe her as stunningly beautiful.

But as he looked at her, Jiang Wenxu felt a sense of familiarity. Her face seemed like one he had seen recently, though the age was different.

Meanwhile, Zhang Linglan had caught what Jiang Wenxu had muttered earlier.

“President Jiang, you just said I look very similar. Have you seen someone who looks like me? Could that person be a student at Beijing University?”

Zhang Linglan’s excitement rose again. Could it be that she wouldn’t need to search classroom by classroom to find her family?

Zhang Linglan’s sudden excitement startled Jiang Wenxu. He looked at Wang Xuelai, confused. What was going on?

Wang Xuelai quickly understood and explained, “President Jiang, actually, the main reason I brought Teacher Linglan to see you today is because…”

Wang Xuelai hurriedly explained that Zhang Linglan had been abd*cted to Hong Kong as a child and had been searching for her family for many years. She came to the mainland this time for that purpose.

Yesterday, while handling the casting at Beijing University, he happened to see someone who looked very much like Zhang Linglan on his way to the restroom.


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