Chapter 155 – Accepting Fate?

She, Wei Rou, was never one to accept fate!

She had struggled hard to break free, to escape her destiny, even if it meant using any means necessary. Even now, she had been humiliated and lost her innocence, ending up in such a pitiful state.

Even when death crossed her mind, she never thought to accept her fate.

Therefore, compromise was out of the question!

As for calling the police?

Wei Rou had considered it.

What would happen after calling the police?

The most likely outcome would be Yang Zhigang, who violated her, getting caught.

But Yang Zhigang was just a fool.

Yet Yang Zhigang was merely a tool, the real culprits were the entire Yang family, along with those who conspired against her—her mother and third sister.

Seeing only Yang Zhigang punished while the others got away scot-free was something Wei Rou couldn’t accept.

Moreover, after reporting to the police, this matter would surely spread throughout the village.

Even though she was the one harmed, in these times, an unmarried girl who had lost her innocence wouldn’t fare well. She’d be worse off than widows or divorced women.

Wei Rou didn’t care about her reputation. Even if everyone spat on her, she would still persist like wild grass, living tenaciously.

But tarnishing her own reputation and just punishing a fool like Yang Zhigang was too lenient, far too lenient.

Wei Rou wanted to retaliate against Mother Wei and her third sister, to destroy the entire Yang family.

So, she decided to marry.

Only by infiltrating the enemy’s camp could she learn everything about them and find their weaknesses.

Wasn’t Yang Zhiwen just relying on his father being a high-ranking official in the village?

Then she would strive to pull Father Yang down from that position. She didn’t believe that a father who arranged for his two sons to commit such immoral acts against a girl would have a clean conscience under his belt.

As long as she brought Father Yang down, Yang Zhiwen would naturally lose his protective shield.

Wasn’t Yang Zhiwen always proud of being a worker?

Then she would ensure that Yang Zhiwen lost his job as a worker!

Then she would expose the fact that Yang Zhiwen was a eunuch.

Thinking about this, how would the Yang family fare? Wei Rou felt relieved just imagining it.

After all, she was determined to ruin everything in the Yang family now. Only then could she vent her hatred.

Only then could she truly break free from the Yang family.

As for her mother and her third sister…

Since they showed her no familial love, she wouldn’t show them any mercy either.

She would always remember the looks in Mother Wei and Wei Sanmei’s eyes when she desperately sought help last night.

Just wait, she would retaliate step by step!


A few days later.

“Little Brother, what did you just say? Wei Rou is going to marry Yang Zhiwen?” Xu Fanghua, who was having dinner, looked at Xu Xiangdong with astonishment in her eyes.

Xu Xiangdong nodded, “Yes, that’s what I heard from Yulan.”

When Xu Xiangdong went to see Wen Yulan earlier, they chatted, and Wen Yulan mentioned that Wei Rou was going to marry Yang Zhiwen.

They had confirmed their engagement three days ago.

And today happened to be their wedding day.

The timing was indeed very tight.

“But these two can conspire against you, they are essentially of the same type, so them being together is not an impossible thing.”

Xu Fanghua was silent, her mood quite complex.

Doesn’t Wei Rou know that Yang Zhiwen is a eunuch? Why would she still want to marry him?

From Ningning’s inner thoughts, she felt that Wei Rou should be aware of it.

Yet she still went ahead and married him in such a hurry, which puzzled Xu Fanghua.

Forget it, now she and Wei Rou have no intersection anymore, whatever happens to Wei Rou is none of her concern.

She didn’t need to pity or sympathize with Wei Rou.

If Wei Rou and Yang Zhiwen succeeded in their scheme against her last time, the one facing that misery would be her.

She wouldn’t forgive Wei Rou’s actions, nor was she someone who could repay kindness with resentment.

Forget it, Wei Rou’s affairs had nothing to do with her. Regardless of whom she married, it was irrelevant to her.

Xu Fanghua didn’t dwell on it and bowed her head to continue eating.

One of the most important festivals in autumn is the Mid-Autumn Festival.

This festival, symbolizing reunion, is just as significant to everyone as the Spring Festival.

And tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival.

For some solitary individuals, this festival can’t help but evoke some sadness.

One such person is Wen Yulan.

While most people gather together in lively celebrations for this festival, she can only reminisce about her parents and grandparents alone.

But this year’s Mid-Autumn Festival is different for Wen Yulan.

Knowing that she’s alone, Xu Xiangdong had already told her early on to spend the festival at his house.

Since the two of them are engaged, Wen Yulan didn’t hesitate and happily agreed.

Because of this arrangement, Wen Yulan’s mood was quite good.

She believed that her parents would also want to see her settle down soon, find someone she loves, get married, have children, and live happily, no longer lonely, no longer bearing everything alone.

However, there always seemed to be annoying flies buzzing in her ears, making her irritated.

“Cousin, tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival, a day for reunions. Come to my house for dinner tomorrow.”

“Cousin, I know that my parents did something wrong before, and they know they were wrong. This time, they want to apologize to you on this Mid-Autumn Festival.”

“Uncle and aunt are no longer here. We are your only relatives, your maternal family.”

“And soon, you will be marrying Xu Xiangdong. If you don’t have your maternal family with you, you might be looked down upon by your in-laws and even bullied.”

In front of her, Wen Huihui kept talking, using soft words to persuade Wen Yulan.

Wen Yulan remained indifferent, continuing to work in the yard.

She heard Wen Huihui’s words, but she didn’t believe that her so-called good uncle and good aunt really wanted to reconcile with her on this Mid-Autumn Festival day.

It was just another scheme.

Her good aunt had been urging her to come over on Mid-Autumn Festival, and now Wen Huihui was doing the same.

Why were they so desperate to get her there? There must be some ulterior motive.

Wen Yulan remembered what she had heard in Xu Jinning’s inner thoughts about the Cui family and their shared wives.

Her gaze instantly turned icy.

Could it be that her so-called good aunt and Wen Huihui were the ones behind this plan, intending to strike tomorrow?

If that’s the case, not going would be the safest option.

But, being cautious for a moment doesn’t guarantee safety forever.

She feared that there would be moments when she couldn’t defend herself.

But if she decided to go, she needed to be fully prepared. It would be best to ensure that she wouldn’t be schemed against while also resolving the matter completely in one go.

Then she could completely cut ties with her so-called good uncle and good aunt’s family, never having any involvement with them again.

“Cousin, what do you think? Even if, even if you don’t intend to forgive my parents, at least coming over for a meal wouldn’t hurt.”

Wen Huihui racked her brains, about to say more when Wen Yulan stopped her hands and looked up at her, saying, “Alright, I’ll go.”

“But I’m only free tomorrow evening.”

Wen Yulan, who was thought to be stubborn and unwilling to agree, suddenly changed her mind and agreed.

Wen Huihui was ecstatic, her eyes brightening. “That’s fine, anytime is good. I’ll go back now and tell my parents.”

Running away would be too difficult. In these times, you needed letters of introduction everywhere. Wei Rou had no money, no ticket, and no letter of introduction. Running away would only make things worse for her outside.

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One thought on “Cannon Fodder Group Ch.155

  1. I have to say that I never expected Wei Rou to willingly marry Yang Zhiwen for the sake of bringing down his family, but I very much appreciate her resolve and deep scheming to get her revenge. It was still never explained why she didn’t reveal the truth, though, which could have prevented all of this in the first place. Either way, I hope she succeeds because even though she’s not a good person, the Yang family also aren’t good people. Now I just hope that Wen Yulan is fully prepared to prevent her unfortunate fate and informs the Xu family of her plans, so as to prevent any mishaps from occurring and to catch them in the act so they can be punished by the law.

    Thanks for the chapter! 😀

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