Chapter 273 – Xie Tingan, do you want to kiss me?!

Just like that, Xu Xiangdong carried the letter and the specialties from Beijing that Xu Fanghua and Song Yi had prepared for him, and boarded the train back.

From afar, Xu Jinning saw her big brother sitting by the window on the train, his eyes reddened.

A pang of sadness washed over Xu Jinning.

She knew her big brother couldn’t bear to part with her and her sister.

But it’s okay; they would see each other again soon.

This was just a temporary separation, all partings were for better reunions.

Upon returning from the train station, Xu Jinning went to Beijing University.

Today was still the day for welcoming new students at Beijing University, so classes hadn’t started yet, and Xu Jinning didn’t need to attend.

As soon as Xu Jinning stepped into Beijing University, she saw a familiar figure from afar.

It was Xie Ting’an.

Even though there were so many people, she spotted him at a glance.

And Xie Ting’an seemed to have been waiting for her all along.

The moment she appeared, he looked over, then quickly walked towards her after confirming it was her.

The two of them found a quiet and secluded spot to sit down.

The moment they sat down, Xu Jinning noticed Xie Ting’an’s gaze fixed on her, not moving away for a long time.

She turned her head and met Xie Ting’an’s deep gaze, also catching a glimpse of the love hidden in his eyes.

Xu Jinning’s heart warmed instantly, then she felt embarrassed and looked away, a blush appearing on her face, even her heartbeat involuntarily speeding up.

“Why are you staring at me?” Xu Jinning said bashfully.

In the past, if she hadn’t realized that Xie Ting’an liked her, perhaps she wouldn’t have felt anything special.

But now, knowing that Xie Ting’an had always liked her, and liked her a lot, she couldn’t pretend not to see it anymore.

Otherwise, wouldn’t that make her a bad person?

It’s just…

Xu Jinning was facing this kind of situation for the first time, so she felt a bit lost.

At this moment, Xie Ting’an also realized that he had been looking at Xu Jinning for too long and might startle her, so he quickly averted his gaze.

He couldn’t help it; he was a bit out of control.

Especially last night, he had a dream.

Originally, after returning to the dormitory from the small courtyard last night, he couldn’t sleep because he was too excited.

But somehow, he fell asleep.

It wasn’t until he woke up that Xie Ting’an knew why he had suddenly fallen asleep.

Because of the dream.

If you don’t fall asleep, how can you dream?

That’s right, after falling asleep last night, Xie Ting’an had a dream.

In the dream, he and Xu Jinning got married, had three children together, an eldest son, and a pair of twins.

Their life was very happy, and they grew old together, surrounded by their children and grandchildren.

After waking up, Xie Ting’an lay on the bed for a long time, savoring everything in the dream.

He couldn’t help it; everything in the dream was too happy, and it was what he wanted.

And Xie Ting’an also knew the special nature of his dream, so perhaps this dream was their future.

How wonderful would that be?

“What are you smiling at?”

Xie Ting’an snapped out of his thoughts and found Xu Jinning looking at him curiously, asking.

Only then did Xie Ting’an realize that he had just smiled.


Xie Ting’an looked earnestly at Xu Jinning and said, “Ningning, do you remember when I told you before that I can have prophetic dreams?”

“I remember.”

In a past life, when Xie Ting’an was still a child, he had told Xu Jinning about this.

But at that time, Xu Jinning was also a child and didn’t take it to heart.

Later, she gradually forgot about it.

Now, after Xie Ting’an mentioned it again, she remembered.


Prophetic dreams…

Could it be true that what Xie Ting’an said in the past life, about being able to have prophetic dreams, was true?

After all, they could both transmigrate, so being able to have prophetic dreams didn’t seem strange.

“Is it true what you said before, about being able to have prophetic dreams?” Xu Jinning asked.

Xie Ting’an nodded, “Of course, I would never lie to you.”

Xu Jinning was shocked.

Prophetic dreams, such an important and potentially deadly secret revealed, and Xie Ting’an had told her so early.

Was it because he was sure she wouldn’t take it seriously or tell anyone, or did he just trust her that much?

Xu Jinning felt it was probably the latter.

Suddenly, she felt that Xie Ting’an’s liking for her was a bit naive.

How could he trust her so much?

What if she was a bad person?

With these thoughts in mind, Xu Jinning asked.

“You won’t,” Xie Ting’an looked at her with a gentle smile on his face.

“I know you won’t,” he repeated.

The complete trust and overflowing love in his eyes made Xu Jinning’s heart warm, and she couldn’t ignore this intense affection any longer.

She joked, “You trust me so much, even finding me after I transmigrated to this world, could it be that you like me?”

After saying that, Xu Jinning looked straight at Xie Ting’an, waiting for an answer.

Xie Ting’an didn’t expect Xu Jinning to suddenly ask this.

He was also taken aback, staring dumbfoundedly at Xu Jinning.

At that moment, it seemed like the wind had stopped, and all other sounds around them ceased to exist.

There were only the two of them gazing at each other.

There were only two hearts beating wildly, drawing closer and closer.

After a while, Xie Ting’an said, “Yes.”

Xu Jinning blinked.

Xie Ting’an continued, his expression serious and solemn, “Xu Jinning, I like you.”

“From the past life, even before we transmigrated, I liked you, I’ve liked you for a long, long time. How did you only realize it now?”

“I thought you wouldn’t notice.”

“I was still wondering what to do.”

“Now that you’re asking me this question, can I assume that you’ve realized my feelings and have some affection for me too?”

Xu Jinning was momentarily stunned, unsure how to respond.

And at this moment, Xie Ting’an seemed to have gained some courage.

He looked at the face before him that haunted his dreams, at those delicate lips.

Unable to resist any longer, he slowly leaned in.

‘Xie Ting’an, do you want to kiss me?!’

As Xie Ting’an slowly leaned in, this thought crossed Xu Jinning’s mind.

However, she didn’t avoid it or feel repulsed.

On the contrary, her cheeks involuntarily grew hot.

Her heart also started beating wildly.

Xie Ting’an’s slow approach was a test.

If Xie Ting’an had sensed any rejection from Xu Jinning, he naturally wouldn’t have continued.

But the result of his test was evidently positive; Xu Jinning didn’t reject him.

So, a light kiss, like a dragonfly touching the water’s surface, landed on Xu Jinning’s lips.

Xie Ting’an thought, indeed, Xu Jinning’s lips were as soft as he had imagined.

If only he could continue kissing.

However, since it was their first time, Xie Ting’an restrained his tumultuous emotions and love, not wanting to scare Xu Jinning.

After all, in Xie Ting’an’s mind, Xu Jinning was a pure young girl who had never experienced romantic love.

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One thought on “Cannon Fodder Group Ch.273

  1. Oh thank goodness, no stupid games. I’m glad their being straightforward about this.

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