Chapter 290 – Bumped Into

“This isn’t difficult, I can go find Grandpa,” Xie Ting’an said as he reached out to smooth Xu Jinning’s furrowed brow.

Xie Ting’an thought that he was probably somewhat indifferent, so he wasn’t very concerned about matters that didn’t involve his grandfather or Xu Jinning, like the issue of stolen admission letters that Ningning was telling him about.

Of course, he knew how important a university spot was in this era.

It was something that could change one’s fate.

But he simply thought that it was other people’s business and had nothing to do with him.

In fact, if he had encountered such a thing first, he might have chosen to ignore it.

Unlike Ningning, who empathized and then tried to correct it.

But he didn’t think Ningning was wrong for doing so. Perhaps it was because Ningning was like this that he found her so attractive.

However, sometimes Xie Ting’an would be afraid, afraid that one day Ningning would resent his indifference and inability to empathize.

For matters like these, if he encountered them first, he wouldn’t care. But now that Ningning cared, he naturally had to help.

“Grandpa Xie can?” Xu Jinning asked.

Xie Ting’an nodded, “In the families we are on good terms with, there’s a junior of Grandpa’s generation, my uncle, who works in the Beijing Municipal Education Bureau. As long as Grandpa talks to him, he will definitely take it seriously and contact the president of Beijing University.”

“It would be great if that could happen.”

Having someone from the Education Bureau step in, there wasn’t a more suitable department.


“Wouldn’t this trouble Grandpa too much?”

“No, it’s just a phone call, and I believe Grandpa will be happy that you have something to ask of him.”


Xie Ting’an smiled without saying a word, just patted Xu Jinning’s head.

When there is a request, there is a connection, and the relationship becomes closer.

Sure enough, when Xie Ting’an went back and talked to his grandfather about it that same day, Grandpa Xie agreed immediately.

“…If it is really as Ningning said, that the matters involving Zhou Yun and Shi Xue are not isolated cases, then this must be taken seriously.”

“We absolutely cannot let bad people succeed, making those diligent and hardworking students disheartened. They deserve to be rewarded for their efforts, and the country needs genuine talent.”

Grandpa Xie realized this was a serious and pressing issue and took it seriously.

Therefore, without any delay, Grandpa Xie immediately called his nephew in the Education Bureau, hoping his department would take this matter seriously. Ideally, they would conduct a nationwide investigation across all schools to ensure not a single student was wrongly treated.

“Uncle Xie, don’t worry. I’ve noted this down, and I will arrange for immediate action.”

On the other end of the phone, Shen Hui was initially puzzled when he received a call from Grandfather Xie. He knew that even though Grandfather Xie was retired, his identity and status were significant.

Moreover, from what his father had told him, Grandfather Xie had recently earned more merits. What kind of merits remained undisclosed, but it was enough to ensure the Xie family’s security for the next fifty years, safeguarded by the state.

Shen Hui couldn’t help but marvel at how great those merits must have been.

Yet, nobody knew; it seemed to be the highest-level secret.

So, receiving a call from Grandfather Xie was quite surprising for Shen Hui. He felt that as a junior, he was not significant enough for Grandfather Xie to call him personally.

But Grandfather Xie did call him.

What Grandfather Xie said had to be taken seriously.

Upon hearing the contents of Grandfather Xie’s call, as the chief official of the Education Department, Shen Hui also realized the gravity of the issue.

If this situation was just an isolated case, that would be fine. If it wasn’t, then the matter was severe.

It had to be taken seriously, even if it wasn’t for Grandfather Xie’s call. Knowing about this situation, he would still take it seriously.

If Shen Hui had immediately called the president of Beijing University to verify the matters concerning Shi Xue and Zhou Yun, and if it was confirmed that Shi Xue had indeed stolen Zhou Yun’s admission letter, then the mistake had to be corrected, and Shi Xue should also receive due punishment.

Not only that, Shen Hui had also immediately held a meeting and informed his colleagues about the situation.

In the end, it was decided to launch a nationwide university investigation. If any cases of stolen admission quotas were found, they had to be corrected, and those who had stolen them, along with anyone who had helped or covered for them, should also be duly punished.

At that time, Shen Hui did not know how grateful he would be for his decision shortly thereafter.

He was also very grateful for the call from Grandfather Xie at that moment.

Otherwise, his career might have come to an end.


Meanwhile, after a two-day and one-night train journey, Zhou Yun had arrived in Beijing. After taking a bus, she successfully reached the gate of Beijing University.

Standing at the gate, the travel-weary Zhou Yun looked up at the four large characters and felt a moment of tearful joy.

She had finally arrived here.


Could she reclaim her rightful university place?

Zhou Yun felt anxious and uneasy.

She had decided that upon arriving at Beijing University, she would go straight to the president and explain her situation.

She hoped the president would stand up for her!

“Zhou Yun, why are you here?” Just as Zhou Yun was about to walk into Beijing University, a familiar, devil-like voice suddenly sounded not far from her.

Zhou Yun instinctively looked over, and when she saw the person, anger ignited in her eyes.

The person who called her name was Shi Xue.

Not only that, there was also a boy standing beside her, and judging by their stance, it was clear they were very close.

Zhou Yun couldn’t help but sneer. Had Shi Xue forgotten that she was a married woman? Her brother had been deceived by Shi Xue.

Actually, Zhou Yun had always known that Shi Xue didn’t genuinely care about Zhou Feng; she was just using him.

Although Zhou Yun could see through it, Zhou Feng couldn’t. He still desperately, recklessly tried to please Shi Xue.

Zhou Yun wondered how Zhou Feng would feel and what he might do if he saw Shi Xue in this situation. She knew her brother seemed honest and foolish but was actually the most selfish and obsessive person she knew, even a bit like a madman.

Therefore, she wouldn’t pity Zhou Feng.

The moment Zhou Yun saw Shi Xue, she turned to leave. She didn’t want to confront Shi Xue; she needed to find the president first.

At this moment, Shi Xue noticed Zhou Yun’s intention to leave and said something to the boy beside her. Suddenly, both of them rushed forward to grab Zhou Yun.

Shi Xue had never expected Zhou Yun to come to Beijing, let alone appear at the gate of Beijing University.

It was obvious why Zhou Yun was here.

Seeing Zhou Yun had made Shi Xue panic and feel guilty.

Perhaps this was the instinct of a thief facing the rightful owner.

But, so what if Zhou Yun had come? Shi Xue had never returned anything she had taken!

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