Chapter 291 – Rescue

Zhou Yun knew she couldn’t confront Shi Xue.

But Shi Xue reacted too quickly, and with the help of a tall boy beside her.

Zhou Yun, who had been on the train for so long, was very tired from the journey, and had little energy at this moment.

So, not long after she ran out, she was grabbed by the arm by the boy next to Zhou Yun.

At this moment, Shi Xue also ran over and grabbed Zhou Yun’s other arm, trying hard to pull her into a nearby secluded alley.

“Let go of me, Shi Xue, let go of me,” Zhou Yun struggled, but couldn’t break free.

Their actions naturally attracted the attention of passersby.

Shi Xue saw people looking over and quickly said, “She’s my neighbor’s sister, she has a mental illness and somehow ran out, now we’re taking her back.”

“Everyone please step aside, she may speak nonsense and even hit people, don’t let her hurt you.”

The people around, seeing Shi Xue neatly dressed and beautiful, and the girl she was holding disheveled with messy hair, indeed looked the part.

Upon hearing that she might hit people, everyone immediately stepped aside.

“It’s not like that at all, Shi Xue, you’re making this up… uh…” Zhou Yun’s words were cut off as Shi Xue covered her mouth.

With her mouth covered and being forcefully pulled into the alley by two people, Zhou Yun felt hopeless, her eyes pleading for help from the people around her.

But those people already believed Shi Xue’s words.

Not a single person doubted this scene.

Zhou Yun felt hopeless.

Could it be that she couldn’t even step into the gates of Beijing University?

Was it destined that her fate would be like this?

Zhou Yun was unwilling, truly unwilling.

But who could come and help me?

Heaven, please, save me.

At this moment, the only thing Zhou Yun could pray to was Heaven.

She struggled hard, knowing that she couldn’t let Shi Xue drag her into that alley, otherwise it would truly be as if all hope were lost.

She even felt that Shi Xue might lock her up, or worse, even harm her.

Yet, as Zhou Yun was about to be dragged into the alley, still no one reached out to help her.

Zhou Yun closed her eyes, feeling darkness descend upon her.

In that moment, she started to entertain thoughts of giving up.

Perhaps, this was meant to be her fate.

Just then, a voice suddenly rang out, as if heavenly, entering Zhou Yun’s ears.

“Wait, are you Zhou Yun? Did you just say you’re Zhou Yun?”

Zhou Yun opened her eyes and saw three beautiful and elegant girls and a man standing at the school gate.

The girl speaking to her was the one standing on the left.

Zhou Yun, with her mouth covered, nodded desperately, tears streaming down.

‘I am, I am Zhou Yun.’

“Who are you? This is my neighbor’s sister who has a mental illness, and I’m taking her back now,” Shi Xue said, surprised to hear someone speak up.

Turning around, she saw three girls and one boy.

She knew the three of them. One was her classmate, named Xu Fanghua, who got married. It was said that her husband was a medical university student, while she herself had been the top scorer in the first year after the resumption of the college entrance examination. The man next to her should be her husband.

With such talent and beauty, and possessing such a handsome and outstanding husband, such a person undoubtedly made Shi Xue jealous.

And the person next to her should be her younger sister, Xu Jinning.

Shi Xue felt that Xu Jinning might not know her, but Xu Jinning, there were few people in the Beijing University who did not know her.

After all, she was also the top scorer in this year’s college entrance examination, and even had a stunning appearance that was more amazing than her sister’s, attracting the attention of the entire school on her first day.

Shi Xue knew that among her suitors, there were several who originally liked Xu Jinning or Xu Fanghua, but because Xu Fanghua got married and Xu Jinning had a boyfriend, they chose to give up and pursue her instead.

In other words, she was their second choice. This was something that Shi Xue, who had always been very proud, could never accept.

Therefore, she was jealous of these two sisters.

Especially Xu Jinning’s boyfriend, Xie Ting’an. He was originally her first target.

He was the most handsome and came from a very prestigious family, even from the Military District compound.

If she could marry Xie Ting’an, she could soar to the top and become someone extraordinary.

Unfortunately, Xie Ting’an showed no interest in her at all.


The person who was just speaking was not these two sisters, but another girl standing beside them.

Yes, the person who just stopped them was Cai Shumin, standing beside Xu Jinning and Xu Fanghua.

Yesterday, Cai Shumin had written a letter about Zhou Yun and Shi Xue’s affair and sent it to the mailbox of the president of Beijing University.

Today, she came over without any specific purpose, just to find Xu Fanghua.

Unexpectedly, she witnessed such a scene of pulling and shoving at the gate.

And one of the girls involved was actually Shi Xue, the sweetheart of her ex-husband.

Since she found out that Shi Xue was in Xu Fanghua’s class the last time, she had secretly gone to see what Shi Xue looked like on her second visit.

So this time, she recognized Shi Xue at a glance.

Originally, even if she recognized Shi Xue, she wouldn’t have felt anything.

But just now, she seemed to hear that the person being pulled by Shi Xue and that boy said she was Zhou Yun!

Zhou Yun!

Was she the Zhou Yun whose admission letter was taken by Shi Xue, and whose family was then forced into hardship?

Had she come to Beijing University?

Seeing Shi Xue’s anxious and flustered appearance, Cai Shumin increasingly believed that this was indeed the case.

If it were just Shi Xue’s mess, Cai Shumin wouldn’t want to get involved. But if the person in front of her was Zhou Yun, then she had to intervene.

After all, yesterday she had just sent an anonymous letter to the president of Beijing University about Shi Xue stealing Zhou Yun’s admission notice.

She couldn’t stand to see someone like Zhou Yun, who had worked so hard to study and take exams, have her achievements stolen by someone else.

After seeing the girl nod, Cai Shumin was even more certain that the girl in front of her was Zhou Yun.

Therefore, she couldn’t let Shi Xue take her away.

Otherwise, Zhou Yun might just disappear silently from this world in a while.

“She is Zhou Yun.”

“She is not insane.”

“Shi Xue, you know very well why you want to take her away. Let her go now.”

Saying this, Cai Shumin moved forward to rescue Zhou Yun.

As Cai Shumin stepped forward, Xu Jinning and Xu Fanghua couldn’t just sit by.

Meanwhile, Song Yi, being a man, directly confronted the other boy.

That boy, who had originally been pursuing Shi Xue and had only helped her at her request, was caught off guard by the turn of events.

Facing Song Yi, who was tall and had a military bearing, he immediately backed down, loosening his grip.

Despite Shi Xue’s strength and Zhou Yun’s endurance from years of hard labor, as soon as the boy released her, Zhou Yun reacted swiftly, swatting away Shi Xue’s hand and breaking free.

“I’m not crazy at all. My name is Zhou Yun, and you, Shi Xue, took away my admission letter. I should be the student of Beijing University!”

As Zhou Yun spoke, everyone around them was shocked.

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